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Playing Football

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Playing football is a nice hobby also.Football is normally played by boys and man but now days girls and woman also likes to play football.Some of them playing football since their kids and some of them will get the interest in the school time.In this game there must be a person to be a goalkeeper and there must be 11 players play in the field.In this game there must be a coach to guide the players and give training for them so that they will play well.This game involved lot of running skills.If the person a good player in the school time,they can play represent the school,furthermore when you grow up the person can play in the club or also play represent the country as well.It was a beneficial hobby also because it has a bright future.Playing football is also a good exercise.


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Singing also a great hobby as well.But not all the people have this kind of hobby.We will be enjoying to do so if we have interest on it.Singing will bring us a reliefs and allow relaxation as well.Some of them will like to sing in the bathroom and there are called as a bathroom singer.Some of them will be very shy because they think that may be their voice is not nice but they have an interest on it.If you want to be a good singer you must have a good voice and a good vocal,the vocal is very important because if the vocal is not clear there will be a problem.To be a good singer the person must have a good practise and they must practise everyday and also they must take care of their voice very well.Singing also have a good future that is the person can be a good singer and can perform in any stages.


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Sewing also one of the hobby.This hobby is usually for the girls and for the woman,but we can see that mostly housewife will do it.If the person do not know how want to sew but have the interest,they can learn it from the book that are provider for them.If we the person know how to sewing and very good in it,they will normally sew many things such as baju kurung, kebaya, punjabi suit, blaus , pants,gowns, curtain , bedsheets and many more.By sewing also we can do a great business because we know to sew many things so that people will come to us for the help and we help them to sew what they want and they will pay us,so by it we also can earn some money.We also can save our money without buying at outsider.Sewing is a relaxing hobby and now it is considered as a great hobby also.


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Photography is a nice hobby and can called as an interesting hobby also.It is not a difficult hobby as long we have a little knowledge about it and also a practises.We can learn it fairly.Hobby as photography have many advantages.One of it was,if we good in capture photo or picture we can be a good photographer and also can work as a photography.The person also can take a picture in any function such as wedding,birthday party,engagement and many other event as well.They can do it in among family members and help them to save their money.They also can share the picture or the photo that they took with other people and share the idea.To be a good in photography,the person must know the techniques.It also have a bright future for them.

Coin Collecting

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Coin collecting is also a hobby.It is same as a stamp collecting.Not all the people like to collect coins but only some of them have this kind of hobby.Some of the have started to collect coins since they are small and may be some of them started in teenager ages or in the old ages.By collecting coins we can get to know about the world,the historical and about other country as well.Coin is also very valuable and unique thing also because some of the coins we can not get or can not see in this current year.So that people who are crazy in coin collecting would like to have it and they willing to buy it eventhough it was expensive.The coin that we collect ,we can keep them in coin album as well.Coin collecting is an interesting hobby also.

Playing Chess

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Playing chess is also can called as a hobby.We no need to go out to play it,we can just play it in the house.To play a chess we need a chess board,two player and the important things is we must know how to play it.There are some benefit that we will get by playing a chess that is a,it can improve our concentration, improves decision making for example if we faced a good player and also a correct decision in making movement,it also will encourages the person that playing the chess to be disciplines in the terms of to be patient.This game is mostly played by the school students or adults but in this generation kids also have an interest in playing chess.Playing chess also involves a lot of thinking to human and it was a great hobby.


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Hobby as gardening is a good hobby and interesting as well.We can see that mostly woman or girls only like to gardening but nowdays man or boys like gardening as well.We can do gardening at behind the house or beside the house but it is better if we do behind the house.We can plant many types of plants like flowers,vegetables and aslo fruits trees.There are many advantages that we can get by doing gardening.If we plants flowers,we can seel it or can use it for a prayers mostly indian people will use it for a prayers,if we plant vegetables we can cook it and eat and also can sell it ,fruit trees also the same.We can save our money also.Gardening also a good exercise and can keep us healthy.


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Camping is an enjoyable hobby.We can go camping with friends or family.It was very fun with the activities that have.We can do a camping at the mountains,river or in the forest because it was an interesting place or we can also do camping in other places as you like as well.There are many activities that we can do by camping, that is a climbing the mountains,jungle trekking,canoeing and many more.By doing such activities we can realize that time running very fast.Normally people will go camping during the weekend or holiday time.We must check first the place that we select to do camping because may be some of the places are not suitable for do camping and may be dangerous also.


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Fishing is a relaxing hobby.In this hobby kids will enjoy more on it as well as adults also.We can do fishing in the river or in the lake because there only we can get many fish.Hobby as a fishing is not a difficult hobby as long we know the technique of the fishing.The fish that we get,we can keep it in the fish tank at home for the decoration or we can cook it to eat,it also can save the money.We also can sell the fish that we catch and earn some money.When we sitting alone and fishing means,we can enjoy the environment around us by hear the sound of the water,the birds and the things around us.We also get a benefit from fishing.

Crossword Puzzles

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Crossword puzzles is an interesting hobby as well.In the current year many people like to do the crossword puzzles,from old age people to youths and children.Some of the crossword puzzles is very easy and some of them is very difficult,it depends on the question.Some of the question is easy to start but it hard to finish,because it was a challenging.It make us to think a lot and we also have to be patient to solve it otherwise will not able to do it.If we do not know the meaning of the words ,we can refer to the dictionary or ask other people help.This hobby is very good to the human because it is involve thinking and also knowledges.